…How to eat soba?
First, enjoy the scent of soba. Second, take a mouthful of soba. Then add spice, “Yakumi” to soup, “Soba-Tsuyu”.
Yakumi is thin slice scallion, wasabi(Japanese horseradish) and red pepper.
Next, eat soba making a moderate noise. It’s like breathing it in.
It is better to eat soba in one gulp making a moderate noise. Then you may swallow soba after chewing about 3 time because soba is easy on your stomach, and enjoy its smooth texture.
Savor the scent flavor and texture of soba. The more you eat soba, the more you understand its profundity. Soba is very sensitive food.
As for the buckwheat noodles, I think eating without stopping makes your soba more delicious.
Because labor of craftsmen is condensed in taste of buckwheat noodles, I would be glad if you can feel it.
V | Vegetarian | ベジタリアン向け |
VG | Vegan | ヴィーガン向け |
L | Lacto(egg free) | 卵を含まない |
DF | Dairy free | 乳製品を含まない |
WF | Wheat free | 小麦を含まない |
NF | Nuts free | 木の実を含まない |
SF | Sugar free | 砂糖を含まない |
●ingredients of soba:buckwheat flour, wheat flour and water
●ingredients of soba tsuyu: soy sauce, dried bonito, dried mackerel,sugar,Japanese sake and sweet sake
01.Unitoji Soba
Jimono-ko ¥2,570(¥2,336 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥2,400(¥2,182 +tax)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
● | ● |
Hot soba noodles with “uni(sea urchin)” and egg.
Uni is said as the king of seafood and known as a sushi topping. But it is also good with soba.
●ingredients of Unitoji Soba:steamed sea urchin, egg, trefoil and yuzu citrus.
02.Aigamo-Nanban Soba
Jimono-ko ¥1,770(¥1,609 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥1,600(¥1,455 +tax)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
● | ● | ● |
Soba with duck meat.
The duck meat used comes from Takigawa, Hokkaido. Add a bit of Japanese pepper(sansho) for a more complex flavor.
This is popilar from the Edo-area.
If you prefer cold soba, the potion is “aigamo seiro”.
●ingredients of Aigamo-Nanban Soba: duckmeat, leek, trefoil and yuzu citrus.
03.Curry Soba
Jimono-ko ¥1,270(¥1,155 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥1,100(¥1,000 +tax)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
▲ | ▲ | ● | ● | ● |
Hot soba noodles in a curry soup with pork and onion.
There are many regular customers who always order this.
They say that they think of trying other soba, but always order this in the end. It will warm you up in cold winter.
Vegetarian and vegan menu options are served without pork, topped with onions only. The oil can also be changed from lard to vegetable oil.
●ingredients of Curry Soba:pork(▲), onion,curry powder, potato starch and lard(▲).
04.Kaki Soba
Jimono-ko ¥1,970(¥1,791 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥1,800(¥1,636 +tax)
Seasonal:Not available June to September
V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
● | ● | ● |
Soba with oysters.
Hot soba noodles topped with lightly fried oysters.
I’m sorry but that’s not available from June to September.
●ingredients of Kaki Soba : Oyster, shiitake mushroom, steamed wheat gluten and rice flour cake(namafu),trefoil and yuzu citrus.
05.Kake Soba
Jimono-ko ¥870(¥791 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥700(¥636 +tax)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
● | ● | ▲ | ● | ▲ |
Hot soba noodles in broth.
This is so simple only with the broth and noodle, which is the basic menu of the soba restaurant. Please savor the tasete we have been proud of since our establishment.
●ingredients of Soba:buckwheat flour, wheat flour and water.《topping: tempura(agedama) (L▲),soybean oil(NF▲)》
●ingredients of Soup:soy sauce, dried bonito, dried mackerel, sugar, Japanese sake and sweet sake.
06.Nishin Soba
Jimono-ko ¥1,650(¥1,500 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥1,480(¥1,345 +tax)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
● | ● | ● |
Herring is only available in early spring, from January to March. We dry fresh herring caught in coast of Otaru, and stew it until it gets soft and juicy.
You can simply enjoy it as it is, or it is also good to soak it in the soba soup.
●ingredients of Nishin Soba : herring and a leaf bud of Japanese pepper.
07.Nishin Kuki Soba
Jimono-ko ¥2,170(¥1,973 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥2,000(¥1,818 +tax)
Seasonal:Only February, March and Nishin Kuki Festival(May or June)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
▲ | ● | ● |
Kuki 群来 literally means “School of fish coming”, but in Otaru it indicates the scene of the Otaru coast colored in milky white with touch of blue, because of the herring coming there to seaweed bed for fertilization.
It is only seen in early Spring from January to March.
Our Herring Kuki Soba is visualizes this scene with one night cured herring along with grated yam and seaweed.
You can also enjoy the different texture of soba and kazunoko(herring roe).
Enjoy this seasonal soba available only in Otaru.
●ingredients of Kuki Soba : herring, seaweed, grated yam, roe(kazunoko)(L▲) and a leaf bud of Japanese pepper.
09.Tempura Soba
Jimono-ko ¥1,170(¥1,064 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥1,000(¥909 +tax)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
● | ▲ |
Hot soba noodles with a big shrimp tempura and leek.
●ingredients of Tempura Soba: shrimp, leek, yuzu citrus, egg, flour and soybean oil(NF▲).
10.Jou Tempura Soba
Jimono-ko ¥1,470(¥1,336 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥1,300(¥1,182 +tax)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
● | ▲ |
Hot soba noodles with 2 big shrimp tempuras and leek.
●ingredients of Jou-Tempura Soba:2 shrimps, leek, yuzu citrus, egg, flour and soybean oil(NF▲).
11.Ten-toji Soba
Jimono-ko ¥1,320(¥1,200 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥1,150(¥1,045 +tax)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
● | ▲ |
Tempura soba covered with egg.
●ingredients of Temtoji Soba:shrimp, leek, yuzu citrus, egg, flour and soy bean oil(NF▲).
12.Yasai Tempura Soba
Jimono-ko ¥1,920(¥1,745 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥1,750(¥1,591 +tax)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
▲ | ● | ▲ |
Hot soba noodles with vegetable tempura.
For vegetarian options, egg is used in the tempura batter. Anyone who eats eggs can order these menu items.
●ingredients of Yasai Tempura Soba:eggplant, small green pepper, pumpkin, onion, shiso leaves, eringi mushroom, egg(V▲), flour and soybean oil(NF▲).
13.Age Chikara Soba
Jimono-ko ¥1,270(¥1,155 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥1,100(¥1,000 +tax)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
● | ● |
Hot soba noodles with rice cakes and fried tofu.
●ingredients of Age-chikara Soba :rice cake, fried tofu, steamed wheat gluten and rice flour cake(namafu),trefoil and yuzu lemon.
14.Yamakake Soba
Jimono-ko ¥1,120(¥1,018 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥950(¥864 +tax)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
▲ | ▲ | ▲ | ● | ● |
Soba with grated yum.
The soba noodles and grated mountain yam intertwine to create a very gentle texture and mouthfeel.
For vegetarians and vegans who don’t eat eggs, they can be removed.
Please inquire with our staff.
●ingredients of Yamakake Soba:grated yum, quail egg(V/VG/L▲), seaweed and ginger.
15.Kashiwa Soba
Jimono-ko ¥1,070(¥973 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥900(¥818 +tax)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
● | ● | ● |
Hot soba noodles with chicken and leek in tasty chicken broth.
You may think that the chicken is a little tough.
This is because we use older chicken frown by an organic grower in the neighbor town instead of young broiler chicken, so that we can take good and tasty chicken broth.
●ingredients of Kashiwa Soba:chicken and leek.
16.Oyako Soba
Jimono-ko ¥1,220(¥1,109 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥1,050(¥955 +tax)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
● | ● |
The egg is rapidly mixed in after the stewing chicken has absorbed plenty of rich and savory flavor from the stock. Enjoy the firm texture of the chicken paired with the soft and fluffy egg.
●ingredients of Oyako Soba:chicken,egg and leek.
17.Tori Nameko Soba
Jimono-ko ¥1,220(¥1,109 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥1,050(¥955 +tax)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
● | ● | ● |
Hot soba noodles with chicken and leek and small mushrooms called nameko in tasty chiken broth.
You may think that the chicken is a little tough.
This is because we use older chicken frown by an organic grower in the neighbor town instead of young broiler chiken, so that we can take good and tasty chicken broth.
●ingredients of Torinameko Soba:chicken,nameko mushroom and leek.
18.Atsu Nameko Soba
Jimono-ko ¥1,120(¥1,018 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥950(¥864 +tax)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
● | ● | ● | ● | ● |
Hot soba noodles with small mushrooms called nameko and grated Japanese radish.
Recommended for vegetarians
●ingredients of Atsunameko Soba:nameko mushroom,Japanese radish and leek.
19.Gomoku Soba
Jimono-ko ¥1,270(¥1,155 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥1,100(¥1,000 +tax)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
● |
This is also traditional soba called “gomoku soba”, “shippoku soba” or “okame soba”.
●ingredients of Gomoku Soba:pork, bamboo shoots, various kinds of fish sausage(kamaboko)(including emulsifier(DF),including egg white(L)), seaweed, leek, shiitake mushroom, and baked wheat gluten(yakihu).
20.Nabeyaki Soba
Jimono-ko ¥1,370(¥1,245 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥1,200(¥1,091 +tax)
With Egg +¥100(include tax)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
▲ |
This includes shrimps
Nabeyaki soba has taken root in the pioneering area of Otaru, Hokkaido. As winter approaches and it gets colder, the number of orders for nabeyaki increases significantly. Nabeyaki udon is by far the most popular, but the nabeyaki soba, which is surprisingly common in soba restaurants in Otaru, is intriguing. There are plenty of ingredients, and you can choose whether to add an egg or not, which is nice. The small tempura is made of deep-fried shrimp that is entangled in the crumbly soba and soaked in the broth from chicken chicken. Please enjoy the three types of kamaboko that are the signature of the long-established Kurihara Kamaboko store in Otaru.
●ingredients of Nabeyaki Soba:chicken meat, rice cake, bamboo shoots, various kinds of fish sausage(kamaboko)(including emulsifier(DF),including egg white(L)), leek, shiitake mushroom, kakiage tempura(shrimp, soybean oil(NF▲)),and baked wheat gluten(yakihu).
21.Tsukimi Soba
Jimono-ko ¥1,070(¥973 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥900(¥818 +tax)
V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
▲ | ▲ |
A layer of laver seaweed is laid out, with an egg to represent the full moon, steamed gluten and rice flour cake to represent the leaves and flowers of mountain greenery, white fish cake to represent clouds, and egg white to represent misty cloud formations all laid out.
●ingredients of Tsukimi Soba:egg,seaweed,fish sausage(kamaboko)(including emulsifierDF▲),steamed wheat gluten and rice flour cake(namafu),trefoil and yuzu lemon. 《topping: tempura(agedama) ,soybean oil(NF▲)》
22.Toji Soba
Jimono-ko ¥1,020(¥927 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥850(¥773 +tax)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
▲ | ● | ▲ |
Hot soba noodles covered with soft and mild egg with trefoil, seaweed, namafu and yuzu kemon on top.

●ingredients of Toji Soba: egg,seaweed,steamed wheat gluten and rice flour cake(namafu),trefoil and yuzu lemon.
《topping: tempura(agedama)(L▲),soybean oil(NF▲)》
Jimono-ko ¥1,000(¥909 +tax)

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
● | ● | ● | ● | ▲ | ● |
Sobagaki:Buckwheat mash
This is the simplest menu cooked with only buckwheat flour.We pour boiling water to buckwheat flour and mix it well quickly.
Sobagaki is eaten in various districts of Japan from old days.There are a variety of ways to eat sobagaki,but generally it is eaten with the soba tsuyu.
Since these noodles are made with 100% buckwheat, anyone with wheat allergies can order them. However, there may be some minor mixing since the wheat flour and buckwheat flour are stored in the same place. If this bothers you, please refrain from ordering.
If you have a wheat allergy, please inform our staff.
●ingredients of Sobagaki:buckwheat flour and steamed wheat gluten and rice flour cake(namafu)(WF▲).
24.Arare Soba
Jimono-ko ¥2,170(¥1,973 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥2,000(¥1,818 +tax)
Seasonal:From spring to early summer

Hot soba noodles topped with seaweed and yellow clam(named “aoyagi”).
Because we would like you to enjoy the rich aroma of seafood, it is served with a lid on.
Take the lid off gently and savor the first scent.

Sashimi is also available.
V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
● | ● | ● |
●ingredients of Arare Soba:yellow clam,seaweed and trefoil.
08.Kakiage Soba
Jimono-ko ¥1,800(¥1,636 +tax)
Nami-ko ¥1,640(¥1,491 +tax)
Thank you very much for your patronage. I am very sorry. This item will be out of stock for a while. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please wait for a while until we reopen.

V | VG | L | DF | WF | NF | SF |
● | ▲ |
Kake soba served with kakiage tempura(tempura with diced shrimps, scallop and vegetables).
Crunchy Kakiage Tempura is Great!
●ingredients of Kakiage Tempura:shrimp, scallop, onion, burdock, garland chrysanthemum, egg, flour and soybean oil(NF▲).
About our Yabuhan's soba-noodle.
We make our soba-noodle from two different types of buckwheat flour.
“Jimono-ko(地物粉)” is grown in Rankoshi about 100 km away from Otaru.
“Nami-ko(並粉)” is blend of Rankoshi buckwheat flour and imported buckwheat from United States.
Please choose either when you order.
The price of “jimono-ko” soba is a little bit higher, but its great flavour and rich aroma are what make it so special.
“Nami-ko”soba enjoys its popularity more than 60 years since the day of our establishment.
As for the Rankoshi buckwheat flour we use, it is delivered the next day we order, and we make noodle from it every morning.
About 100 soba restaurants invested jointly and bought a buckwheat field in Rankoshi, Hokkaido, and established a milling plant. This makes it easy for the restaurants invested jointly and bought a buckwheat field in Rankoshi, Hokkaido, and established a milling plant. This makes it easy for the restaurants to keep and serve fresh buckwheat noodle.
Without the shining sun in summer, fertile and rich field in Hokkaido, and love and passion of buckwheat farmers and soba chef, this soba noodle can't exist.
* the price is excluding 10% tax.