

酒肴 | 鰊切り込み |
刺身 | 鳥ワサ |
日本酒 | 板長の隠し酒 |
02.蕎麦屋親爺 お奨めほろ酔いセット
¥4,020 (¥3,655+税)


お浸し | そばもやし |
焼き物 | 合焼(北海道滝川産合鴨照焼) |
汁物 | 天ぬき |
蕎麦 | 北海道産蕎麦せいろ |
日本酒 | 蕎麦屋親爺の隠し酒 |
03.若女将 お奨めほろ酔いセット
¥3,740 (¥3,400+税)


刺身 | 板わさ |
焼き物 | 焼き海苔 |
お浸し | そばもやし |
お浸し | 茄子揚げ浸し |
蕎麦 | 北海道産蕎麦せいろ |
デザート | 柚子シャーベット |
04.板長 お奨めほろ酔いセット
¥3,970 (¥3,609+税)


刺身 | 板わさ |
焼き物 | 合焼(北海道滝川産合鴨照焼) |
お浸し | そばもやし |
汁物 | 天ぬき |
蕎麦 | 北海道産蕎麦せいろ |
05.女将 お奨めほろ酔いセット
¥4,830 (¥4,391+税)


刺身 | 板わさ |
焼き物 | 焼き海苔 |
焼き物 | 合焼 |
お浸し | そばもやし |
汁物 | 天ぬき |
蕎麦 | 北海道産蕎麦せいろ |
デザート | 柚子シャーベット |
About our Yabuhan's soba-noodle.
We make our soba-noodle from two different types of buckwheat flour.
“Jimono-ko(地物粉)” is grown in Rankoshi about 100 km away from Otaru.
“Nami-ko(並粉)” is blend of Rankoshi buckwheat flour and imported buckwheat from United States.
Please choose either when you order.
The price of “jimono-ko” soba is a little bit higher, but its great flavour and rich aroma are what make it so special.
“Nami-ko”soba enjoys its popularity more than 60 years since the day of our establishment.
As for the Rankoshi buckwheat flour we use, it is delivered the next day we order, and we make noodle from it every morning.
About 100 soba restaurants invested jointly and bought a buckwheat field in Rankoshi, Hokkaido, and established a milling plant. This makes it easy for the restaurants invested jointly and bought a buckwheat field in Rankoshi, Hokkaido, and established a milling plant. This makes it easy for the restaurants to keep and serve fresh buckwheat noodle.
Without the shining sun in summer, fertile and rich field in Hokkaido, and love and passion of buckwheat farmers and soba chef, this soba noodle can't exist.
* the price is excluding 10% tax.